Friday, November 05, 2004

What did that fellow Christ try to tell us?

For a very long time, almost all of my life I have wondered what the heck I was doing here. What the point was. Particularly as I watch people hurting each other what seems to be most of the time.

Being raised Christian and in a household that morality is very important and with the saying 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you'has led to some real confusions.

Why can't we just be nicer to each other? Why can't we help each other more to get ahead?

Recently I have again had to face the fact that even the people who are trying to live up to Christ's teachings are human.

I think He wants us to be forgiving and loving towards others. Particularly those within his church. What I have seen and still see instead is a tendency to punish and to hold accountable. Was it not Christ that said 'Let him who has not sinned throw the first stone"? How can anyone presume to sit in judgement of others? If I am part of the body of Christ would he throw me out because of a moment of weakness? Or would he forgive and allow me to go forth and be better.

What about when something happens that the people of the church, who are not Christ, make a decision as to the verity of the situation? Do those people have a right to 'take steps' to do damage control? Generally the damage control hurts someone, punishes someone, probably JUST when they need the support of the body, of others. I am amazed that anyone could sit in judgement of another when they have not even started to investigate the situation. I wonder what Christ would say in such situations.

Should a group of Christians cause pain to a member because they have decided to listen to false witness? I would have hoped that such a family would stand behind all parties concerned and try to love and support them through their trial while getting to the bottom of things. Further, IF the family of Christ wants to make any judgements, maybe they need to really get ALL the facts, no matter how nitty gritty they are.

Me, I do not want anyone sitting in judgement of me and I am tired of Christians who tell me that my disability is the result of 'sins of the father' and are unwilling to honestly and openly discuss things because they are afraid of being 'led astray'. Where is their commitment and belief in their faith then? Why would I want to be part of a'family' which would cast out a member for the sake of gossip? Why would I want to be part of a 'family' which stands outside after meeting and criticizes how people are dressed, or what this person said to that......

I want to be part of a group that loves each other no matter what our failures. That listens and gives feedback but still loves each other and never abandons that love, not for the sake of appearances nor because of judgement for a frailty.
Very insightful, Marie.
S much of what you say is true. Keep on bloging. You are very wise. Mom
oh yeah! woo woo
A good way to gossip and sound spiritual doing it is to tell someone that so'n'so needs your prayers for dis'n'dat...I CALL IT PRAYING THEM IN THE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey Marie how ya doin'
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