Tuesday, October 19, 2004

People and Relationships

I want to talk about people and relationships. Not that I am any good at them, but here are some things I have noticed, particularly in relationships.

1. Respect is central.

2. A person must be ready to change. Another cannot force a change.

1. In all cases it is fascinating how when people are in particularly close relationships they seem to lose respect for the ones they are close to. This happens whether the relationship is within the family or between lovers who are not related.

Respect means thinking of the other person. HOW would they feel about something that was said or a look? What is important to them? We seem to think that the other person thinks and feels just like we do about things in life. What is a tiny pebble to one person is a mighty boulder to another.

And what about lovers? Whether same sex or opposite sex? Recently I have had to look at the realities of relationships, my own in the past, and others that I know and respect. In many cases what appears to be a well founded relationship proves to have large problems within. Now, maybe that is the way of the world. In general though, here is my opinion....people just stop respecting and showing caring for each other. Often one can point to one or the other in the relationship, however the end is the same, the relationship ends.

Kicker is.....it is REALLY so simple. A hug now and again, a flower or two, maybe setting some specific 'us' time aside and really keeping to it....maybe bringing home those little items from the store that the other person specifically buys. so while it is simple in practice, it seems that as we all rush around our busy life we forget that we are not here to please ourselves so much as form relationships in this world and learn from our time here. IF we can walk a mile in the other person's shoes (people's shoes) then perhaps we can contribute more to the happiness of others which in turn will come around to us as well.

The other thing that is so confusing and I have been guilty of it as well, is assuming that there will ALWAYS be another time, another day to do that special thing, to have that special time. Truth is...this is a survival trait otherwise we would always be scared to goout. However, reality is that there is not always another day or another time. When it comes to people, the timehas to be now, otherwise the time goes. Now is the time to stop what you are doing and take 5 minutes for that special someone. That five minutes can mean the world.

Tell that special person you do love them, better than having regrets if something does happen. Bring home that special thing they love so much. Does it take more time when you are shopping? Nope, and brings that special light to their eyes.

The best example I saw was myself. When that special someone would bring me home JUST that certain chocolate I could not have been happier. Or when that special someone would take the effort to find me when I was doing my morning walk it meant the world to me.

Respect means not imposing your needs and requirements on someone else. If they want to help to share that way, then fine. But when I hear of people who feel they are 'forced' to do things and there is no appreciation or reciprocation that is a lack of respect.

The most obvious is in the bedroom. More than once I have heard from women 'He hurts me', from three different generations. Does it show respect for someone to hurt another they say they care for and love? Should the person not be aware that pain is being inflicted? Should they not have inquired or been aware? Respect for another's feelings, both physical and mental.

2. Changing people.

We know that people don't change unless they want to. And that is the sad part. The wooing a man may do when trying to secure favours from a woman, or her hand in marriage is just that, a change with a purpose. Once the purpose is fulfilled the change reverts. Lately the majority of people I have heard of TRULY changing have been older people who have passed through certain stages in their life and have been able to truly examine their life and their behaviour in relationships. I question whether counselling or shocks to people really make a difference or whether the person was just at a point in their life where they could see more clearly. So if we expect our primary other to change because of pressures from us I think we should realize it is most unlikely. If a loved one shows a particular pattern of behaviour you have to think of whether you are willing to live with that behaviour. They may change for a bit at your insistence, but if they just revert back then it is a safe guess that they are not ready yet.

How can we make this positive? Well, I think by realizing what we want and that we should not (as so many have said) expect someone else to change we can avoid heartaches and disappointments. As I have said to someone in my life....'there are no secrets as to who I am, if you cannot love all of me as I am, then perhaps you are with the wrong person'. Can people change? Sure! We all change all the time, because of others, our circumstances, just getting older. This makes relationships even more interesting and fun. However to cling to the idea that we can change someone or that someone might change for us is inviting disappointment. Where possible, love the person for their foibles as well as their strengths....so what if they like to leave the top off the toothpaste (oh! the toothpaste people resolved that one!), is it worth it in the grand scheme of things to concentrate on the toothpaste top rather than on the cute way he hugs you when he comes home?

Just a thought.
I agree one should not take advantage of those closest to us, but support emotionaly and encourage and build them up. One needs to respect relationships whether casual or close as in marriage. We are never to think of ourselves as superior to anyone, we were all created equal. There are always going to be little things that annoy us about another, but we need to get past that as yoy stated. Work it out if possible, if not then a seperation may be necessary. If we love someone we want to see them grow and we want to do nice things for them and give them gifts and show our love in other ways.. find out what pleases them. Agreed one needs to want to change, and for themselves as well..A relationship that is onesided with one being a dictator and the other cowering is not a healthy one. Whether the dictator be male or female.That is not a marriage really, a partnership. I guess it is a case of loving your neighbor and doing good to them. Sometimes we need to look at ourselves and see if we need to change in some area.good post. Mom
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