Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Nothin' much....

Well, it is now at LEAST 4 weeks later. Sad how time flies as we get older.

All in all it has been a pretty good 4 weeks. Got SO much done.

Patent for the EasiRead has been filed and accepted
Changed the Order page to more closely emulate the main web page so closer to putting the page out there into the World Wide Web
Learned the proper procedures to bring the EasiReads across the border
Got into the new project

Now for the really good stuff.

Went up to Canada last weekend again. Was great. Annette and I went to Zorro which was pretty good really. It was interesting that we have the same sense of humour, made fun of the same things and laughed at the same places.

Then we went to a bbq and music practice for the new church. Food was good and the company was even better. The music was good, but needs a little work.

It is funny to become friends with one's sister so late in life. And nice at the same time, really nice.

Oh! Over the past week or so it is interesting that the price of gas has gone down. I tend to agree with another friend that we have seen this over the past 30 years. Some sort of 'emergency shortage' which pushes the price through the stratosphere and when it all calms down the price is at a level we would never have accepted before the 'emergency'. Interesting.

Well, here it is the weekend again, and who knows what tomorrow will bring. Let's see....could be interesting


Well I wanted to write about some things that have been happening to me lately.

Last weekend I went up to Canada to visit friends and family.

First let me also echo Scott '$50.00 for gas!!!! for the trip!!' Guess I will not be going up as often as I thought I would.

Now for the good parts. Friday evening had sushi in Richmond with some good friends. We pigged out totally....I could even see the people at the next table almost staring at all the food we ordered. Now.....did we finish it all.....YOU BETCHA. I think only one small piece of a roll remained when we packed it in at 11.

Next to see a fellow knitting friend of mine....yep and more talking, this time until almost 1. Into bed and up again at 6 to go for breakfast. Strawberry crepes! mmmmmm yummy.

The drive out to my sister's was relaxing listening to

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